Quincy’s Journey to Recovery, Continues to bring Blessings!

Quincy stays busy with therapy (7 days a week) and often goes to the gym on his own for an extra workout. Each day brings a new type of exercise (mentally and physically). His therapy is more strenuous each day. We would like to think he looks at the workout plan he receives the evening before his sessions for the following day and says, “I can’t wait”.  He may not be overly excited when he initially reads his agenda, however with his positive attitude and by the grace of God he faces each workout with the mindset of, “ok let’s do this, I’m going to walk”!!! As rodeo competitor’s mindset and work ethic, it’s obvious Quincy wants to not just succeed, but be the best during his therapy. It’s very encouraging to hear his therapist say, “I’ve never had anyone do this well their first attempt”, “you really did great for never having done that”, “I think you’re ready for something more challenging”. Those are encouraging words for all of us. We must say as parents (some friends who have watched), seeing him struggle with a task that would usually be easy is very tough. He then of course concurs the task in record time. These wins bring soothing flutters of joy to our hearts.

         At the very beginning of this journey Quincy stated his goal was to be his very best and be as successful as God would allow him to be. Quincy faces each day’s challenge with the absolute best guide we could ever have - GOD! Each time we listen to him pray it’s obvious his priorities are as they should be - GOD, Haynzli, family, friends, and himself. There is no doubt in all our minds Quincy would not be where he is now without God, Haynzli and all of his unbelievable supporters. 

Now, on this journey we have experienced the highs and lows we were told we would and oh my, the lows can almost take your breath away!! With that being said, we know to look up and bow our heads and pray to our God for guidance. When the highs come, we look the same direction and praise our God for allowing us that moment of reward. 

On Tuesday, May 9th Quincy went for his first follow-up. As we sat nervous and anxious awaiting the doctor’s arrival into the room, none of us had much to say. You might say, we were actually a bit short with one another. There was unknown tension and nervousness. Dr. Malik entered the room & his first comment was, “how are adjusting to your new way of getting around?” We all give a look of “what do you mean, this is temporary.” Quincy immediately responds with “it’s NOT.” Dr. Malik took a few seconds to give a response. (I don’t think he was expecting that.) He then assured Quincy he had every reason to be mad, angry, and even depressed about his current situation. He followed by reminding him how lucky he was to be ALIVE and continued to name multiple things that could’ve easily happened because he was SEVERELY INJURED! Quincy agreed but also never wavered from believing he would walk again. Dr. Malik said “I will never say never. If you do walk you will be one of those.” Quincy’s reply, “yes sir.” We know we serve a MIGHTY GOD and ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH HIM!!

Dr. Malik was very pleased with Quincy’s recovery. He said his bones were healing nicely and fusing together on their own. Glory to our God!!! He also allowed him more freedom from the back brace and to carefully travel. 

The following day, his PT and OT made us aware that his doctor was requesting more therapy than originally planned. Well, this meant the May 18th release date was not going to happen. As I sat in the room hearing Quincy and the OT discuss some things and the release date my heart hurt briefly (I had an idea this was coming). I hear Quincy respond, “yes ma’am! Whatever y’all think I need to do is what I’ll do. I’ll work harder than I have been.” She made him aware they were very pleased with his hard work and determination. He simply needs more therapy to go home and be more independent. He totally agreed.

In our lives we set goals (competitors do). If we do not reach them in the time frame we intended, it doesn’t mean we give up. Well, here we are! Quincy isn’t leaving rehab on May the 18th. Although, he will leave someday soon. He has set new goals and continues to concur them each day.

The above are the highs and lows of the doctor visit and rehab. There is one main love in Quincy’s life that has remained the center of his earthly love -HAYNZLI. The love and bond Haynzli and Quincy have for each other is one any father (daddy) and child could hope for. They miss each other daily; this has been a big change for them to be apart for an extended amount of time. Haynzli was not able to see her daddy for many days after the accident and when the day finally came to see each other in person, it was hard!! Haynzli was so fearful of hurting her dad. The hospital atmosphere was something Haynzli was not use to or very comfortable with. With each visit she becomes more accepting that is “my daddy”. She has gone from standing at a distance from his bed to hugging him, giving him kisses and even pushing him around outside in his chair. Her last visit was truly Quincy’s biggest blessing since the accident. You could see in her eyes and actions the bond they truly have. 

Again, we love and thank each one of you for the faithful support. We are blessed to travel this journey with the absolute best people anyone could ever have. It is in our hearts that we pray for Quincy’s healing, and we continue to be the best examples of our loving and forgiving God.


2 Thessalonians 2:16 - We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father will comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. God loved us and gave us through his grace a wonderful hope and comfort that has no end.


The Continued Journey with Quincy and His Recovery!